A Division of the Institute for Defense Analyses in Alexandria, VA
A Division of the Institute for Defense Analyses in Alexandria, VA
The Center for Communications Research in Princeton performs mathematical, statistical, and computational research in support of national security in the fields of cryptology, signal processing, network security, and related disciplines.
Mathematics remains the fundamental science used to create and analyze the complex algorithms used to secure communications systems. Virtually every branch of pure and applied mathematics has proved to be useful in these efforts. Even where no explicit mathematics is involved, a mathematical mode of thinking seems to be ideally suited to solving challenging problems.
In order to recruit the very best new talent, we work to maintain close ties with the academic world. Our researchers attend academic conferences in mathematics, computer science, data and information sciences, and other fields. During our annual summer SCAMP programs, graduate students and renowned professors are brought in to work closely with CCR-P researchers and other scientists on difficult and important problems. In some cases, these connections lead to continuing collaboration outside of SCAMP.
The Special Conference on Applied Mathematical Problems (SCAMP) is an intensive summer program where academic visitors work with our research staff to address scientific problems arising in national security. CCR Princeton has run SCAMPs since the 1950s. Currently, SCAMP programs are hosted at three IDA centers, namely CCR Princeton, CCR La Jolla, and CCS Bowie.
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